ALFP Toolbox

Here you will find links to everything you will need for the Academy for Lease & Finance Professionals and for the online-proctored Exam.

For any additional questions related to the ALFP, please email Mel:

For any additional questions related to the Exam, please email

What to Expect on Exam Day

Please read this in its entirety; it will also be provided with your login instructions prior to exam day.

Pay close attention to the do’s and don’ts.

CLFP Exam Outline

Click here to view the CLFP Exam Outline.

Online Proctored Exam Instructions

This is a MUST READ regarding using the online proctoring solution (Proctorio). If necessary, please share with your IT department to mitigate any potential issues.


Online Proctored Exam FAQs

Check here for Frequently Asked Questions about the Exam and gain a better understanding of the Exam environment.

Review the Body of Knowledge

Download the Body of Knowledge prior to the Exam, as the questions will be based on concepts and knowledge basic to effective equipment leasing.

Study Key Terms A to Z

Deepen your knowledge of industry terminology with our online glossary.

TValue Information

If you plan to using TValue for pricing, please prepare to have a basic understanding of the program in order to participate in practice problems during the ALFP.

Find some valuable information via the Tvalue Guide & Helpful Hints guide plus links to some training!

HP 17bII Calculator Formula & Guide

For anyone using the HP 17bII (or II+) calculator for pricing, you MUST have the equation plugged in prior to the ALFP and the Exam!  If you’re running into any errors, check to see that you’re using the letter ‘I” instead of a number “1”

Review the Calculator Instructions & Helpful Hints guide to begin.


Sample Pricing Problems

Do you want some more practice with pricing? Check out some of these Sample Pricing Problems!

Helpful Pricing Reminders:

  • If you are within pennies, you are correct! Rounding happens.
  • Practice and repetition will help!

Want to see what might be on the test?  The following links take you to problems that will definitely be on the test, but with different numbers, so get comfortable with them!

Accounting Practice Problem

Click here for an Accounting Practice Problem.

Pricing Practice Problem - Advanced

Click here for a Pricing Practice Problem.

Credit Practice Problem

Click here for a Credit Practice Problem.