CLFP Contributors
The Certified Lease & Finance Professional Foundation is a not-for-profit organization and we are grateful to those companies and individuals who have graciously donated not only their time, but money as well. Contributors for the current year are listed below.
If you’re interested in contributing and becoming a partner of the Foundation, please click on the “Donate” button above in the top menu. For questions or more information, please email below.
2025 Corporate Partners
Diamond Partner | $7,500
Platinum Partner | $5,000
Bronze Partner | $500
2025 Individual Partners
Champion | $1000+
John Kounalis, CLFP
Joe Leonard, CLFP
Patron | $500 – 999
Rob Boyer, CLFP
Reid Raykovich, CLFP
Benefactor | $250 – 499
Kip Amstutz, CLFP
Andy Belliveau, CLFP
Eric Bunnell, CLFP
Paul Burnham, CLFP
Bud Callahan, CLFP
Tina Cartwright, CLFP
Craig Colling, CLFP
Mike Coon, CLFP
Sheila Coyle, CLFP
Jeff Elliott, CLFP
Nate Gibbons, CLFP
Steve Hanneman, CLFP
Adrian Hebig, CLFP
Janet Jonas, CLFP
Jaime Kaneshina, CLFP
Paul Knowlton, CLFP
Leonard Lane, CLFP
Mark McKissick, CLFP
Mic Mount, CLFP
Kathy Nordendahl, CLFP
Katie O’Mara, CLFP
John Pfister, CLFP
Kevin Prykull, CLFP
Carrie Radloff, CLFP
Candace Reinhart, CLFP
Bob Rinaldi, CLFP
Guy Selinka, CLFP
Alex Shields, CLFP
Stephen Stuesser, CLFP
Spencer Thomas, CLFP
Dave Verkinderen, CLFP
Christine Williams, CLFP
Bruce Winter, CLFP
Terry Wood, CLFP
Sponsor | $100 – $249
Michael Baez, CLFP
Patty Boehl, CLFP
Donna Christensen, CLFP
Andrew Clark, CLFP
Mike Cohen, CLFP
Anita Colvin, CLFP
Paul Crnkovic, CLFP
Jena Dirkes, CLFP
Tina Eickhoff, CLFP
Tracey Elfering, CLFP
Rich Fradin, CLFP
John Freeman, CLFP
Steve Geller, CLFP
Keith Hachey, CLFP
Stephanie Hall, CLFP
Jaimie Haver, CLFP
Mike Helder, CLFP
Tim Kehoe, CLFP
Andrew Mallinger, CLFP
Eric Mandella, CLFP
Zack Marsh, CLFP
Robert Moore, CLFP
Adam Ohme, CLFP
Deb Reuben, CLFP
Brenton Russell, CLFP
Chris Santy, CLFP
Anthony Schindell, CLFP
Molly Simon, CLFP
Rocky Soliday, CLFP
Will Thomsen, CLFP
Josh Utke, CLFP
Mel Vinson, CLFP
Amy Wagner, CLFP
Annette Watkins-Harris, CLFP
Lisa Whitehead, CLFP
Armando Yepez, CLFP
Supporter | $50 – $99
Mary Armstrong, CLFP
Bob Bell, CLFP
Ron Elwood, CLFP
David Gernhard, CLFP
John Harders, CLFP
Mikki Henkelman, CLFP
Nicholas Housewright, CLFP
Nate Kary, CLFP
Vince Knowlton, CLFP
Stephanie Langford, CLFP
Katharine Mantell, CLFP
Ruth Martens, CLFP
Tim Miller, CLFP
Randy Montrose, CLFP
Daniel O’Connell, CLFP
Ron Schutz, CLFP
Hailey Seltzer, CLFP
Kevin Vick, CLFP
Contributor | $25 – $49
Bill Banfield, CLFP
Leighton Bost, CLFP
George Cairncross, CLFP
Daniel Callahan, CLFP
Dean Ceglia, CLFP
Martin Cowie, CLFP
Jake Cutler, CLFP
Joe Franco, CLFP
Derek Hardenbergh, CLFP
Bob Johnson, CLFP
Melissa Kaul, CLFP
Roderick Knoll, CLFP
Jessica Kort, CLFP
Taketoshi Miyamoto, CLFP
Amy Moffitt, CLFP
Jill Molitor, CLFP
Jason Peryea, CLFP
Jason Peterson, CLFP
Janet Phillips, CLFP
Mae Philpott, CLFP
Haley Richey, CLFP
Wade Rignell, CLFP
Colin Rosenmeyer, CLFP
Suzzanne Salsbury, CLFP
Angie Sciotto, CLFP
Alex Seebaugh, CLFP
John Snyder, CLFP