General FAQs
Why should I support the CLFP designation as an employer?
All CLFPs have different 'whys' for their pursuit of the designation, but the Foundation has seen the positive impact this unique designation has on companies with multiple CLFPs on staff. If you are looking for reasons to support the designation on your team, click here.
What resources are available to me as I prepare to earn my CLFP?
We encourage all CLFP Candidates to review the CLFP Toolbox for helpful hints, resources, and a sample Study Guide to prepare.
What do I have to do to keep my CLFP designation?
The Annual Recertification process happens every fall and is comprised of three things:
- $155 fee
- Short recertification quiz based on material provided by the Foundation which is comprised of topics that have changed within the industry for that year.
- Pledge to abide by the Standards of Professional Conduct.
How do I reinstate my CLFP designation if I am not in Good Standing? Is there a cost?
If you are no longer in good standing and would like to be reinstated, please refer to the reinstatement policy which may be found here.
I need to order my CLFP Handbook. Where can I order it, and which Edition should I get?
To prepare for the CLFP Exam, begin by purchasing The Certified Lease & Finance Professionals’ Handbook.
If you plan to earn your CLFP in 2025 and beyond, please purchase the 10th Edition, Second Printing.
Is a printed Handbook my only option to prepare? What if I want an Audiobook format?
We have an Audiobook version of the Handbook available via Google Play - this may be downloaded here.
Please note that this should be used in conjunction with the CLFP Handbook - as the Audiobook does not include pertinent tables, charts, and figures necessary to prepare (they cannot be communicated solely via audio).
A Kindle version may also be an option for you. The CLFP Handbook is available via Amazon for purchase.
How much does the CLFP Handbook cost?
The Handbook costs $70.00. Links to purchase are above.
An Audiobook version is available for $14.95 here via Google Play. The Audiobook should be used in conjunction with the CLFP Handbook - as the Audiobook does not include pertinent tables, charts, and figures necessary to prepare (they cannot be communicated solely via audio).
I don't own the most recent version of the Handbook, can I still use it if I'm working towards my CLFP?
To see the differences between Editions Six through Ten, please click here.
Much of the content is the same, but small modifications have been made, and the most significant update the change from ASC 840 to ASC 842. If you have anything before the Sixth Edition, you will definitely need to purchase a new handbook.
Is there a discount available for purchasing the CLFP Handbook?
If 5 books are ordered, there is a 5% discount; 10 books, 10% and 15 or more is a 15% discount (maximum discount). To receive a discount, orders must be placed through the Foundation.
Please contact Sandy for more information:
I haven't read the book, but I still want to take the CLFP Exam, should I?
No. The CLFP Exam is based on the CLFP Handbook; the Handbook is necessary to prepare.
I'm ready to take the Exam. How does that work?
The Exam may be taken at any time (following payment). The Exam is proctored online and may be taken on the day and time of a candidate's choosing. You do not need to schedule an Exam with us. Once payment is received, and Exam login will be assigned to you. See the Exam FAQs for more details on how the Exam environment functions.
Do employers cover the costs of the Handbook, Exam, and/or Academy?
The majority of employers do cover the costs of the Handbook, so check first with your employer if they will.
If they won't, there are a few options available.
- The CLFP Foundation does provide scholarship options to those seeking their CLFP designation:
- The National Equipment Finance Association (NEFA) has the Chris Walker Fund that gives grants to candidates looking to attend an Academy and/or sit for the exam when their employer will not pay for it. More information may be found here
- The Equipment Leasing and Finance Foundation (ELFF) also offers scholarships a few times a year: Click here for more information.
Where do I find the upcoming classes available?
Class listings for our Academy for Lease & Finance Professionals course are always up-to-date on our website and can be found by clicking here.
What is the cost of the ALFP? Do I have to take this class?
The class is $750 and is not mandatory, but strongly encouraged. When bundled with the Exam ($695) there is a discount and the total price is $1,400.
Can I take the Exam without attending a class?
Absolutely! Self-studying is always an option.
If I cancel my attendance to an Academy, do I receive a full refund?
Written notice of cancellation for the class must be received by the CLFP Foundation no later than three weeks prior to the Academy, less a $75 processing fee. There will be no refunds after this date, however, the credit may be used toward a future Academy. The Foundation will honor your credit for a full year. After a year, the registration and payment will be deemed forfeited.
What are the guidelines for hosting an Academy?
The guide to hosting may be found here via the Academy for Lease and Finance Professionals Host Guide
For private Academies (for those who want to only have their employees attend), there is a 10-person attendee minimum for virtual, and 15-person minimum for in-person. Please contact Mel for more information or any questions:
Is the ALFP beneficial for a new person coming into the leasing industry?
The ALFP is targeted towards those who are looking to become a Certified Lease & Finance Professional; however, those newer to the industry are welcome to attend as well. It builds off of The Certified Lease & Finance Professionals’ Handbook and assumes that the attendee has at least read it and has a basic concept of the equipment finance world.
I haven't read the Handbook, but plan on taking the Exam after the Academy - will I be successful?
The Academy is a test-prep class that takes the Handbook and breaks it down so that you'll have a better idea of what you'll see on the test; however, no ALFP option can prepare an individual to be successful without having first read the Handbook.
I've heard about a Sample Exam for practicing before the Exam. What are the details?
For ALFP participants, a comprehensive Sample Exam is provided as an added benefit. If attending an ALFP, and you’re curious as to how the exam looks and feels, you may use the Sample Exam as an additional preparation tool. This will be sent prior to the ALFP.
The sample test will be available two weeks before the ALFP dates and slightly after for a total of 30 calendar days. We strongly recommend and encourage using this resource to be prepared for how the Exam will function.
PLEASE NOTE: The 30 day window is the maximum allowed, in an effort to encourage CLFP Candidates to test as close to the ALFP as possible.
If you are an online, self-paced ALFP participant, the Foundation will coordinate with you to begin your 30 day access window.
Do I have to take the Exam after I take the ALFP?
The Exam is optional, not mandatory. If you do wish to pursue the Exam, the Foundation recommends setting an Exam date, and building your study plan around it. You do not need to schedule your Exam date formally with us. Put it on your own calendar and work up to the date as you study and prepare. The Foundation will provide login information to those who are attending and ALFP and do wish to test on day 1 of the ALFP.
Self-Paced ALFP FAQs
How is this ALFP different from the ALFPs I see online?
This version is self-paced and allows the student to participate at their leisure. Instead of a two- or three-day intensive course, the digital ALFP allows for more flexibility. The course may be accessed for a 6-month period.
How much is it and how do I pay?
A prompt for the $750 fee will be the first part of accessing the course. Once payment is received, access is granted.
Does my payment for the Self-Paced ALFP include the Exam?
No. The Exam is a separate cost from the ALFP.
Do I still need the Handbook if I’m taking the online class?
If you are planning on taking the CLFP Exam, then yes. The ALFP assumes a student has read and studied the Certified Lease and Finance Professionals’ Handbook.
If you plan to earn your CLFP in 2025 and beyond, please purchase the 10th Edition.
What resources are available to me as I take this self-paced ALFP?
The course has several modules along the way to help with information retention. After registering, a link to our ALFP Toolbox will be sent with helpful information including our Exam Outline, sample problems, and more. If you plan on taking the Exam, you will also receive access to a robust sample exam upon receipt of payment for the test. Finally, the Foundation offers a mentor program for anyone who has registered and paid for the Exam.
A sample Study Guide (including a recommended calendar) can be found here.
Do I have to take the CLFP Exam? What if I just want to gain additional knowledge?
The Exam is optional at the conclusion of the course, not mandatory.
I want to take the CLFP Exam. How do I do that?
At the conclusion of the ALFP, students may opt to take the Exam. Please complete the online application and email the CLFP Foundation ( so we may provide further information such as access to the Sample Exam, Exam instructions, etc.
Do I receive access to the Sample Exam if I take this course?
Yes! Once you reach out to the CLFP Foundation communicating you with to take the Exam, and payment for the Exam is received, an access code will be sent to you with a window of 30 calendar days to practice in the Sample Exam.
Exam FAQs
What is the cost of the Exam?
The Exam is $695, including a non-refundable $30 background check. When bundled with the Academy for Lease & Finance Professionals, the total is discounted to $1,400.
What is the format of the Exam?
The format is a combination of multiple choice, true/false, matching, etc. All questions are automatically gradable and there are NO essays. To review the Exam outline, please click here.
When is the Exam offered?
The test-taker may take the Exam at any time on any day of their choosing. The Exam is proctored virtually, providing flexibility for any CLFP Candidate's schedule.
Do I need to schedule my Exam with the Foundation?
No. Set an Exam date, and build your study plan around it. The Foundation encourages establishing an Exam date to build a study plan around this targeted date.
May I take the Exam using an in-person proctor?
The Exam is offered using an online proctoring solution; the in-person proctoring service has been discontinued.
What is the total percentage I need to pass the Exam?
A score of 75% or higher is required to pass the Exam. It is cumulative for the four parts; therefore, if you don't receive a 75% overall, the individual parts will be taken into consideration. As long as you receive a 75% on any Part, you do NOT need to take that part over again.
May I use my own computer/laptop to take the exam?
You must use your own computer/laptop to take the exam as the Foundation does not provide one for testing purposes.
Are dual screens permitted?
No. The reason is that you must remain within the camera frame at all times as eye movement is tracked.
How long does the Exam take?
The time allotment is 8 hours; however, each individual's time will vary between 4 and 8 hours. The test must be taken in one sitting, and the CLFP Foundation strongly encourages all test takers to budget a full 8 hours for their Exam.
May notes or the Handbook be used during the test?
No. Phones and/or any personal belongings must be left at the front of the room so that they are easily accessible when coming to and from the exam room. Notes and other study tools are allowed in between sections outside of the Exam room.
Do you have to take the Exam in order?
Yes, there are four parts to the Exam and you must finish them in succession. The exam outline may be found by clicking here.
Do I have to take the Exam in one sitting?
However, if there is a medical reason that would preclude you from taking the test in 8 hours, that would be taken into consideration. Satisfactory documentation would need to be provided.
May the test-taker eat while taking the test?
No; there are breaks and food may be eaten during these times but the noise from eating can be distracting. However, the test-taker may drink water, coffee, soda, etc.
Is the test-taker allowed to go to the bathroom during the test?
The test-taker may take a break in between each part (there are four), and unless it is an absolute emergency, the test-taker should use the bathroom during the breaks only. The clock does not stop, so that time will be lost on the test and a 360-degree room view must be performed upon reentering the room.
If you are curious what the 360 degree room scan entails, please review this sample link: Room Scan Example
(Please note there are CLFP Exam-specific rules that need to be adhered by, however, the basics of the scan to include your entire desk and testing space are within the video)
I've heard that breaks are allowed during the Exam. How does this work?
Breaks are allowed between parts but not during. The timer does not stop, and the Foundation reminds CLFP Candidates to monitor their time accordingly. It is suggested to keep breaks limited to 10-15 minutes. The lunch break may be longer, but the Foundation suggests 30 minutes. You only receive a total of eight hours to test (which includes any breaks).
May I bring my own scratch paper?
A single blank 8x11 piece of scratch paper is permitted, and must be scanned during the room scan at the start of the Exam. The scratch piece of paper may never leave the room at any time during the Exam and must be scanned again at the beginning of teach part.
May I use my cell phone during the Exam?
No. Your cell phone may not be used at any time during the Exam. If you have used a cell phone for a calculator in practice leading up to the Exam, you must elect the built-in calculator on your computer for testing purposes.
What type of calculator should I use for the exam?
The Foundation encourages the HP 17bII as there is a formula that is provided in The Certified Lease & Finance Professionals’ Handbook that is very user-friendly. Any other financial calculator will not be sufficient due to the complexity of the pricing problems. TValue is also another option and also encouraged by the Foundation.
Is it ok to use a financial calculator and TValue at the same time?
No. The test-taker may use one or the other. For simple calculations, it advised that the test-taker use the calculator built into their computer. A cell phone is NOT an acceptable non-financial calculator option and is NOT permitted during the Exam.
What happens if the computer crashes?
Please DO NOT contact the Foundation as we are unable to assist with any technical difficulties and it will use up your allotted time!
The program automatically saves the Exam as the test-taker goes so the individual will not lose any work. Please refresh the browser if the website freezes. Contact Proctorio for assistance - their live chat is the best option as they can assist you much more quickly, or you may email them at:
Who is available to offer support if I’m having issues with the online proctoring?
Please contact Proctorio via Live Chat immediately or
Please DO NOT contact the Foundation as we are unable to assist with any technical difficulties and it will use up your allotted time!
My company has a VPN and firewall in place on our computers for security. Will this impact my Exam experience?
Yes. The Proctorio software will be blocked by a VPN and/or firewall set up. To avoid Exam issues, you must consult with your IT department prior to the test date. A personal device may also be used if the VPN/firewall don't have the option of being disabled on your work device. The CLFP Foundation is not responsible for any connectivity or technical issues.
Is there a way to test my computer performance prior to taking the test?
It is strongly encouraged that you test to ensure that you have enough RAM and a strong internet performance as without these, you will have difficulties with the exam. Please visit this page: Exam Compatibility
If you and/or your IT department would like to test your device to ensure compatibility, please email Mel ( well ahead of your Exam to receive a test log in and allow time to work out any system issues.
After the Exam, can I see what questions I missed? Do I get a copy of my answers?
No. The Foundation does not provide details on questions answered (right or wrong).
If you did not pass the Exam, and need support on preparing for a retake, please email Mel for next steps:
What happens if I fail the Exam?
You may retake the Exam at any time. Each reexamination fee is $265. There are no limits as to how many times you may retake; however, it must all be within one calendar year from the initial Exam.
Note: Please allow up to 72 business hours after the initial Exam attempt for a new login to be assigned and an invoice to be generated.
If I don't pass, what should I know, and what are next steps?
If you don't receive a cumulative score of 75% across all four parts, and you still desire to pursue the CLFP designation, you will need to retest on the parts you didn't receive a 75% or higher score in. We cannot provide detail on specific questions missed, we will provide the sections needing a higher score on the retake.
For support with your retake, please email Mel Vinson, VP of Marketing & Development
Once I pass the Exam, how long does it take to receive the information if I passed the Exam?
You will be notified immediately whether you pass or fail. No scores are given, just a pass/fail.
Once I pass the Exam, when do I receive my CLFP plaque?
Please allow for up to six weeks to receive your plaque after we have received confirmation of how you would like your name to appear.
Once I pass the Exam, do I have to take it again at any point?
As long as you remain in good standing, you do NOT have to take the CLFP Exam again. To remain in good standing, you need to pay your Annual Dues, take a brief quiz regarding changes in the industry, and sign the Pledge to adhere to the Standards of Professional Conduct.