Building a better equipment finance industry one individual at a time.
The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) designation is the preeminent credential for equipment leasing and financing professionals throughout the world who have demonstrated competency through testing of knowledge, continuing education and a commitment to their business practices and dedication to the industry. This designation was previously known as the Certified Lease Professional (CLP) designation.
- Absolute Value
- Accelerated Cost Recovery System (ACRS)
- Accelerated Depreciation
- Acceleration Clause
- Accounts Payable
- Accounts Receivable
- Accrual Basis
- Accrual Basis Accounting
- Accrued Expenses
- Acid Test
- Acknowledgment
- Additional Insured
- Advance Payments
- Advance Ruling
- After-Acquired Property Clause
- Agent
- Agreement
- Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses (ALLL)
- Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)
- Amortization
- Application Programmable Interfaces (APIs)
- Appraisal
- Appreciation
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- ASC 840, 842 (Accounting Standards Codification)
- Asset
- Asset Depreciation Range (ADR)
- Assign
- At-Risk Rules
- Attorney-in-Fact
- Call
- Capital Lease
- Captive Lessor
- Cash Basis
- Cash Basis Accounting
- Cash Flow
- Certificate of Insurance
- Charge-Off
- Chattel
- Chattel Paper
- Closing
- Co-Lessee
- Collateral
- Commercial Lease
- Commercial Term Loan
- Commitment Fee
- Common Law
- Complaint
- Compound Interest
- Conditional Sales Contract
- Consideration
- Contingent Rentals
- Continuation Statement
- Contract
- Corporation
- Cost of Capital
- Cost of Debt
- Cost of Funds (COF)
- Covenant
- Cramdown
- Credit
- Credit Line
- Cross-Border Leasing
- Current Assets
- Current Expected Credit Loss (CECL)
- Current Liabilities
- Current Ratio
- Customer Information Program (CIP)
- Customer Relationship Management System (CRM)
- Factoring
- Fair Market Value
- Fair Market Value Lease (FMV)
- Fair Value of Leased Property
- Farm Credit System
- FASB 13
- Finance Lease
- Financing Statement
- FMV Lease Option
- Forbearance
- Forbearance Agreements
- Forced Liquidation Value (FLV)
- Foreign Sales Corporation (FSC)
- Full Payment Lease
- Full Payout Lease
- Full-Service Lease
- Funding Audit
- Funding Source
- Funds Transfer Pricing (FTP)
- Landlord Waiver
- Lease
- Lease (Tax Definition)
- Lease Agreement
- Lease Broker
- Lease Intended as Security
- Lease Line
- Lease Origination
- Lease Payment
- Lease Term
- Lessee
- Lessor
- Leveraged Lease
- Liability
- Lien
- Limited Liability Company (LLC)
- Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
- Line of Credit
- Loan Loss Reserve Fund
- Loss Given Default (LGD)
- Loss Payee
- Loss Reserves
- Paper Out
- Partial Open-End Lease
- Partnership
- Payments in Advance
- Payments in Arrears
- Payoff
- Personal Property
- Personal Property Tax
- Placed in Service
- Plaintiff
- Pledge
- Points
- Portfolio Characteristics
- Portfolio Management System
- Portfolio Performance Indicators
- Portfolio Segmentation
- Power of Attorney (POA)
- Present Value
- Principal
- Probability of Default (PD)
- Progress Payments
- Proprietorship
- Purchase Money Security Interest (PMSI)
- Purchase Option
- Purchase Order
- Purchase Upon Termination (PUT)
- PUT Agreement
- Recourse
- Relative Value (RV)
- Remarketing
- Remarketing Agreement
- Renewal Option
- Rental
- Rental Agreement
- Replevin Action
- Repurchase Agreements
- Reserves
- Residual
- Residual Guarantee
- Residual Value
- Residual Value Insurance (RVI)
- Return on Assets (ROA)
- Return on Equity (ROE)
- Revenue Procedure
- Revenue Ruling
- Revolving Line of Credit
- Right of First Refusal
- Risk-Based Pricing
- Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
- Running Rate
Academy for Lease & Finance Professionals
The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation is pleased to present the Academy for Lease & Finance Professionals (ALFP). The ALFP is a three-day event designed to fully prepare an individual to sit for and pass the CLFP exam.

CLFP Foundation
P.O. Box 146, Northbrook, IL 60065
Phone (206) 535-6281 | Fax (866) 795-5839